One noticeable thing that most people have in common, across generations and race, is that they slouch.
"Children carry huge over loaded backpacks, adults lug briefcases to work, and thousands of people spend hours hunched over a computer whether for work or play. " **
Because slumping into our chairs is easier than consciously sitting straight, people get into the habit without realizing it until someone brings it to their attention. Even then, most people will hold their spine straight for a few minutes before forgetting and reverting to their slouching positions.
Ageing already brings a slight slouch to our posture, but now, with worse sitting and standing postures, not only the population as a whole would soon be subscribing to regular visits to a chiropractor, but by the time we reach old age, we would all be bent in two with a who-can-do-better list of back problems. In countries such as CA, where chiropractor fees are covered by health insurance if they are justified and recommended by a doctor, more of taxpayers' money will be involved into paying for the cost of bad posture.
It takes real effort though to sit straight, bring back your shoulders, and walk tall and to remember doing this all day. But remember: "Change takes willpower! However … the rewards of good posture are well worth the effort. You will feel great and your physical appearance will look tall and confident! "**
**quoted from an article about posture tips.
Lets have a no-slouch competition then ..although am pretty sure you gonna win :P
You're ON!!!!
You are right on the money that the posture of the general population is detereriorating from young to old.
You might be surprised at how easy it can be to change posture for the better and with a little committment it can be permanent too!
Just have a go at this simple test to see for your self:
Thanks for the tips!
Nice blog on postures too! Check it out people!
c-carine.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.
thanks for this nice post 111213
hi, good site very much appreciatted
thanks in the service of this nice tips 147896325
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